test task

英 [test tɑːsk] 美 [test tæsk]

网络  考试所设计的任务; 测试任务; 测试任务特征; 试任务



  1. A single Test task can involve updating the test plan, creating test cases, creating test scripts, and running the tests.
  2. The test task will look for any script in the/ app/ scripts or Java ™ class that ends in the name "Test" and execute it as a JUnit Test.
  3. The task definition can be exported to Integration Developer, where the technical user can implement and test the required task.
  4. Optimized parallel test task scheduling is the core issue and one of the key technologies to the parallel test.
  5. Job Responsibilities:-Comply with relevant standards and regulations, compose feasible test plan, and complete test task;
  6. This approach makes a separation between strong constraint test task scheduling and no constraint test resource scheduling, which improves the optimization speed.
  7. The result of long-term operation shows that this system can complete test task, and reaches the required property index.
  8. But general design of VI only considers the specific test task and functions, which results in developed VI with poor interchangeability and flexibility. When test task or test object changes, the VI has almost zero reusability.
  9. On the other hand, the center server manages, controls and harmonizes test server and calibration server to finish test task.
  10. In this design, interface chip adopts EZ-USB chip produced by Cypress Company. Using soft-configuration characteristic of EZ-USB, test task for different test objects can be completed by loading different firmware programs.
  11. The system includes testing scripts generator, test task definition module, test task scheduler, test task running platform, accounting and report form module.
  12. Communicative listening comprehension test task design
  13. In designing a test on listening skills, such crucial questions of concern as theoretical construct, test task, test authenticity, the use of scripted speech or unscripted speech, the selection between discrete testing and integrative testing, test reliability and validity need to be considered.
  14. Virtual resources are used in test program coding in ATLAS and after compiling, the program will control practical instruments and switch to complete test task.
  15. To cope with existing problems, a new ⅵ design method is proposed, that is, through virtual integrated test platform driven by test task, user's virtual integrated test system can be realized.
  16. The tables of database are linked with their primary keys and foreign keys. The basic data table contains information table of equipment and information table of test task.
  17. Busy-hour test task for individual switch reaches 110 at the most and all performed, qualitative analysis accuracy reaches 91%.
  18. According to completing aircraft aerial refueling test task, an application of airborne video technologies is presented.
  19. Satellite ground tests must be carried out before satellite being launched in order to enhance the reliability of satellites. Satellite test task is usually impatient and hard, so the efficiency of satellite test is needed to improve urgently.
  20. In the process, testers can hardly know or control virtual machines centrally. When the number of virtual machines is huge, to implement similar test task in these virtual machines brings duplication and low-efficiency.
  21. The logic management of test items and the dynamic schedule of test task are implemented by database technology.
  22. With the mechanism of task, we develop some typical irregular parallel applications, such as FFT, to test the task scheduling strategies which are implemented by the paper.
  23. The actual result presents that the system design and software achievement are reasonable, the system measuring result is correct and the designed technical specifications is achieved, and it provides the reliable method for completing the radar antenna test task.
  24. This reading test experiment on university students was aimed to investigate effects of topic familiarity, task types and language proficiency on their EFL reading test and task performance.
  25. This paper researches a special antenna automatic test system for a radar antenna test task.
  26. The system through the test confirmation, have designed to meet the technical requirements, the design product special-purpose test adapter has realized the product test demand, may complete the test task completely.
  27. According to the results of evaluation we have come to the following conclusion: compared with the traditional test flow, the solution solved the previous mentioned problems effectively, reducing the number of testers and the whole time to implement the test task.
  28. And the waveforms of the learned pictures in the two tests were also different and there was a possibility that the test task was an important factor for the differences.
  29. In test server R& D, the more testing task scheduling management single test task coordination test tasks using the state machine process control to improve the stability of the system.
  30. It refers to the degree and type of involvement of the testtakers 'individual characteristics in completing a test task.